Author Guidelines
Article Draft Templates can be downloaded here (in Bahasa)
- The article is an original article about the results of community engagement activities.
- The article has never been published or is not being reviewed by other journals.
- Articles are typed in Bahasa except for an Abstract, 1.0 spaced line and paragraph spacing, Times New Roman typeface using quarto paper (A4), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.
- Articles are written up to 20 pages, including a bibliography, Figures and Tables.
- Articles in file format should be uploaded online at Platform & Workflow OJS/PKP.
- The article must include data in the form of surveys, pretests or post-tests, or research findings in community service
- The article is attached with the author's statement about his work and does not contain elements of plagiarism download.
- We do not accept articles whose similarity is above 25%. Here's how to avoid plagiarism
Article Structure
- The title must be specific and compelling, with a maximum of 20 words.
- Authors are named without abbreviations and academic degrees, including the names of all institutions and the corresponding author's email address.
- The abstract is written in Bahasa and English versions, a maximum of 200 words, about the reasons for choosing the topic or the importance of public service topics, methods and a summary of results.
- Keywords are written in Bahasa and English versions (each consisting of 3-5 words), written alphabetically under the abstract paragraph.
- Introduction about the background and purpose of the activities carried out, written in short, solid and clear sentences.
- Methods stated the location and series of activities, materials and tools, methods of implementing activities (survey, pretest and post test), data collection methods, data processing and analysis.
- Results and Discussion on the implementation of activities, obstacles faced, impacts and efforts with sustaining activities. The results and discussion are presented in text, tables or images, and diagrams.
- The conclusion contains the meaning of the activity's results as an answer to the purpose of the service, suggestions or policy recommendations for program sustainability.
- Acknowledgements (if any) to mention the funding source for activities whose results are reported in the article.
- The bibliography is a system for writing citations/excerpts of a manuscript or literature using the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition Style. Utilize at least 15 bibliographic references from the past 5 years. It refers to the body of the article in alphabetical order, preferably using the primary library (see example below). These citation styles can be easily found using software such as Mendeley or Zotero
The bibliography format used by Warta Pengabdian Andalas follows the standards outlined in the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition. To make the writing process and citation management more convenient, it's highly recommended to make use of a reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero.