• Yulastri Arif Universitas Andalas
  • Dewi Murni Universitas Andalas
  • Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri Universitas Andalas
Keywords: pendidikan, kekerasan, masyarakat, konseling, promosi kesehatan


The problem of families of traditional fishermen in Ulak Karang Selatan district is the high
number of child victims of violence (98%) and 80% of perpetrators of violence are family. The
cause is the wrong perception of how to educate children. The goal is to form family and
conscious counselors. Activities carried out from 5 September to 18 October 2017 include:
screening families at risk of violence, education and the formation of child aware families and
training of child conscious child counselors. The result is 76 families that become conscious
family of 49 families in Ulak Karang Selatan subdistrict and 27 families in Ulak Karang Utara
subdistrict of North Padang subdistrict which has been dsikrining as family at risk of violence.
The 76 families showed an increase in cognition and affection about parenting, how to detect
children as victims of violence, how to prevent violence and how to handle child victims of
violence with a low average of 40.5 to 80.83, while the average affection score increased from
the average lowest 37.00 to 64.00. Based on the result of cognitive and affective improvement,
10 counselors of Conscious Children's Family are 6 counselors in Ulak Karang Selatan and 4
counselors in Ulak Karang Utara village. Recommendation of the need for further training of
child conscious child counselors in the context of establishing kelurahan child affection so that
the target of health promotion achievement can be improved.

How to Cite
Arif, Y.; Murni, D.; Putri, Z. PENDIDIKAN POLA ASUH KELUARGA BERBASIS MASYARAKAT. Warta Pengabdian Andalas 2018, 25, 62-72.